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Are Your Hair Products As Clean As You Think?
You shower, wash your hair, and step out feeling fresh, but are the ingredients in your routine actually working for you or against you? If you’re ready to detox your...

How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair in Humid Weather?
Warm air and frizzy hair are not a match made in heaven, but unfortunately they tend to go hand-in-hand. A balmy, tropical getaway does wonders for the body and soul,...

How to Heal a Burnt Scalp
While most of us invest in quality products for the skin on our faces and bodies, we tend to neglect our scalps. Whether you’re eager to DIY the bleached scalp...

Your Top 5 Scalp Care Questions, Answered.
Discover why scalp care has gained a cult following, what scalp care products are in right now and why it’s making waves. If you're familiar with us, you'll know that...

The Only Y2K Hair Trends You Need To Try
We all know Y2K has been trending for a minute and for good reason, it was such an iconic time. With the festive szn coming up, we found it only...

The Nitty Gritty On Chemical & Physical Exfoliants
Much like your skincare routine, both are important and play different roles in your routine. With the skin-ification of hair trending, we wanted dive a little deeper and get into the nitty-gritty...

Scalp Therapy: Do Scalp Brushes Work?
Yes! Here's Why... There are few things as relaxing as the scalp massage you receive at the hairdresser. Most of us will agree that it's honestly the best part of a salon...

How Often Should You Do a Scalp Treatment?
We put a lot of time and effort into our skincare routines, but do you do the same for your scalp care routine? Do you even have a scalp care routine?...

Why You Need A Microfiber Hair Towel
We all know the saying ‘wet hair is weak hair’... Well it’s not just a saying, it’s a fact. Robin Grover, hairstylist and salon owner, spoke to Instyle and explains “Wet hair is...

How to Get Rid of Dandruff in Men's Hair
Dandruff is not fun — it’s an itchy, irritating scalp condition that can become bothersome if it's not treated. If you’ve got the scalp flake, we know you’ll be itching to...